What Drove Your Last Performance Evaluation?
Discovering and Developing Hidden Reservoirs of Talent
Discovering and Developing
Hidden Reservoirs of Talent
Leadership Levers: Building Critical Strengths
by Dr. Jack Zenger, Dr. Joe Folkman, and Joyce Palevitz
Connecting the Strategy and Needs of the Organization with Employees’ Talents, Energy, and Passion.
Based on our data from over 1 million leadership assessments, we have learned that the manager is the most important force driving employee engagement. Moreover, the data suggests that the most valuable action the manager can take in order to drive employee engagement is to provide opportunities for individual
development and career growth. The individual has a role to play as well, bringing personal motivation and a desire to grow and develop. All of this means that organizations are highly dependent upon thousands of individual development conversations happening frequently and effectively.
Download the White Paper:
Discovering and Developing Hidden Reservoirs of Talent.