White Papers

Emotions at Work
Like it or not, emotions play a big role in every aspect of our lives. They strongly impact our own productivity and performance. And the emotions of one person are highly infectious to everyone contacted.Leaders who recognize the power of making an emotional connection with their associates magnify their impact. Fortunately, there are many ways for that emotional connection to occur. The broader the repertoire the greater the leaders impact because it would be rare to have a group of subordinates who would all be touched by the same approach.
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Discovering and Developing Hidden Reservoirs of Talent
Leadership Levers: Building Critical Strengths
by Dr. Jack Zenger, Dr. Joe Folkman, and Joyce Palevitz
In many ways, an organization would benefit if professionals at every level raised their leadership effectiveness to above average by building their signature strengths in alignment with their passions and the priorities of the organization. That’s the power of the Leadership Levers.
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How To Workout a Succession Planning in The Workplace
Why do you exercise?
To look good, perhaps, or maybe to lose weight; but, ultimately, to live a longer, healthier life. Exercise is to the body what succession planning is to a business. Treating succession planning the same way you (ideally) treat your body is a good start to optimizing your company’s healthy succession program. You may take a good hard look at yourself occasionally and think, “I could be better.” So, you do a couple push-ups, decide it’s kind of late, and you plan to get up early tomorrow morning to start an exercise routine that you’re going to maintain for the rest of your life. But you don’t. You keep planning on it. That’s exactly what planning is: not doing.Read More

Why Zenger Folkman is Unique
The products and services we provide have emerged from solid research and data, not merely our experiences and beliefs. Our leadership research is evidence-based and supported by a growing data set of more than one million assessments evaluating the effectiveness of over 120.000 leaders from around the world. From that data has emerged compelling and unique findings that form the foundation of our work to develop extraordinary, high-performing leaders.
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Misconceptions About Introverts in the Workplace
Susan Cain, American writer and lecturer, recounts a story about her childhood summer camp in the TED Talk, “The Power of Introverts”: “Camp was more like a keg party without any alcohol. And on the very first day our counselor gathered us all together and she taught us a cheer that she said we would be doing every day for the rest of the summer to instill camp spirit. And it went like this: ‘R-O-W-D-I-E, that’s the way we spell rowdie. Rowdie, rowdie, let’s get rowdie.’ Read More